21 April 2012
One of my biggest bugbears, is seeing people type the same way as they talk.
I am admin on a Scottish Car Club’s Forum, Type-R-Scotland.com…
It would seem we get more of our fair share of donkey typers (type r’s?) apt, this may be because of the ‘Glasgow’ contingent, and the cheaper pricing of Type R’s being accessible to NEDS, but holy fuck, how difficult is it to type something, it’s not as if we’re back in Nokia Text typing days where you were limited to 10 keys, you now have smartphones with full qwerty keyboards, and yes, actual keyboards that have a full range of letters…
to quote:
Hi lads
Av fitted a stainless steel buddy club spec 3 to ma CTR a got told then a bought the exhaust that a would have to buy a 02 simulator to get the engine managment light out but this hasnt worked does anyone have and ideas cause that ma battery light come on since a fitted the sensor. am not driving the car at the moment as a dont want to damage it.thinking of just putting a standard one back on it. i only have the cat and the back box. how much will the rest cost me to buy? everywhere a look trys to sell me the full system?
any help would be greatly appricated. a hate having my ep3 at the door doing nothing.
Av – I have
ma – my
a – I
am – I am
trys – tries
It’s not like they have to type much more – just type fucking properly – damn COCK!!!!
That’s my rant of the day over!
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It really makes me seethe when I see ‘lazy’ posts like that. What on earth are they teaching people now. What happened to the correct use of the English language? You are right, smart phones and full qwerty keyboards being available should encourage people to even make an effort. Why he would put ‘a’ instead of ‘I’ is beyond comprehension!