7 June 2009
Spymaster on Twitter
Hi folks, a few of you may well have seen my previous post a week or so ago about the great and addictive little game on twitter, called Spymaster.
Now, you’ll forgive me for thinking that it might get boring after a while, indeed I was getting into a little cycle, play all my energy, leave it for half an hour, then play all my energy, amass $$, or ££ (depending on your chosen agency). But then I started getting better, playing every half hour increased my levels, I’m now at level 23 for The_Assassin and Level 25 on my other account.
It’s only really on these last 5 levels when things have been getting good, I didn’t take much for the assassinations of others, as I felt I needed to progress with my experience on the tasks that were set, now I’m on tasks which require 45 points of your energy, you can Train Revolutionaries, Assassinate Diplomats, Steal Military Weapons or even Extract Defectors….. how cool – better than the previous…(Coerce a Mafia Boss and collect a Dead Drop)!
Of course, I learned during the various levels that there are unscrupulous opponents/spies out there who will assassinate from the word go… especially because I’ve got a cool name, and face it – I have – The_Assassin, how cool!?! so Learning the process, the ropes is difficult sometimes!
One thing you must do is protect your assets, obviously your cash is first, then second is your spymasters, so ensure you have enough of the defense items to cover all your spymasters!
Spymaster Swiss Bank
Cash – deposit in the bank! – nobody can get it in there other than you!
It took a while for me, so just remember – you need a fair old whack before you can open an account! – nigh on £500k
So – Ensure you build up your portfolio of Safe Houses, get the £1 million property, AND get the rest, as every 5 minutes you WILL get something, it might not be a lot, but if you are sleeping and not playing and don’t have safe houses, you aren’t gaining dosh… so have properties, if you do, then you will awake in the morning with a good bit of dosh – the most I’ve awoke to is approximately £250k and that was with no failed assassinations on me, so that was pretty good going!
Now, I know that people have been spending ages on Spymaster, so don’t let it rule your life… (just your online one)! haha! – credit to@ucana422, who has been playing 25 hours with 3 hours kip – you rock… ya nutter!
Spymaster Armoured Car
Examples of Level 25 armoury : M107 Sniper Rifle and for Defense : an ARMOURED CAR! – one serious piece of kit at around £200k as well..!
The Sniper rifle is around the £16k mark
Remember though, that the best way forward is to get the same number of these as you have SPYMASTERS in your group… and watch your Attack and Defense sum rise….
Maybe I am on my way to being the best Spymaster…
Hell, I got a mention from the CEO of spymaster on his twitterfeed about my initial spymaster post, so I must be on the right track! (@chrisabad)
Just one thing though – don’t attempt to assassinate any of the founders, you could end up with serious crap on your tail….!
Signing off
Craig a.k.a. The_Assassin
Tags: spy, spymaster, twitter game
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Great little game I have 3 accounts one devoted to nothing but spymaster play. It is crazy how a little game like Spymaster can be so addictive! Joine me! Mobious_X