Twitter tips, hints, do’s and don’ts
29 May 2009

Tweetdeck A Twitter Client
Twitter, I find it great, however it’s hated and it’s loved. Whichever way you turn inevitably there is someone using it, what makes it interesting? I really don’t know, it’s one of those things which eludes me each time I use it. I actually “tweet” from 3 accounts and use tweetdeck as a client to access the twitter service. It looks as though the client is soon going to be skinnable, so I would recommend using it – hands down winner for any PC users out there. There are other clients for other systems – ie Macs – probably best to use Nambu I think, however – I’m not a tried and tested mac user!
So – on to those tips:
- I can’t stress enough – don’t use Auto Responders, it’s a SOCIAL network, not an auto network, there is nothing more annoying.
- Provide content, tweet on topic, be interesting, network with people – that means using the @ reply function, converse and of course enjoy it!
- Re-Tweet, if you have 10 people following you, and one of those people find one of your posts interesting, they will (or should) Re-Tweet it, this means that your post will be seen to THEIR list of followers, and potentially it could go out to everyone in the “twitterverse”
- following on from 3. Post things that are interesting. don’t spam, be nice, normal, and you will be re-tweeted!
- Follow like minded people.
- use effective #hashtags, ie don’t use the #golf hashtag when you are talking about your 5 a side football game earlier that night!
- #FollowFriday and #FF – every friday seems to be the phenomenon called Follow Friday, this is a day that you can post to your list of followers who YOU find interesting, I’ve found quite a few people to follow with this method, and it’s great to increase your number of followers..
- If you ONLY want followers, it’s not going to happen, unless you are a celeb, trust me it’s not going to happen.
- Be active, if you aren’t talking/tweeting, what’s the point in following you?
- Add yourself to the WeFollow directory, it’s a good place to find other like minded tweeple..
What about the Don’ts…
- Don’t block people that are actually genuine people, only block spammers – especially the “here’s my webcam” type ones – if lots of people block, then the account will be suspended.
- Don’t use Auto DMs, these are honestly – highly highly annoying, there’s nothing worse, if someone follows me and says what is it you do – they obviously haven’t bothered their rear end in actually looking at my profile at all.
- Don’t spam!
- There are loads of other “Don’t” out there – if you are a twitter user, then please, by all means leave a comment, and I’ll add it to the list.
Have a great day!
Tags: tweetdeck, Twitter / Tips, twitter hints
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